
Join us at the table and explore America's story in the words of those who lived it.

Register for "World War I"

November 4, 2024, 8:30 AM ET - 2:30 PM ET | Hosted by: Southwest Valley Schools & Corning Opera House | Corning, Iowa | Discussion Leader: Eric Pullin

President Woodrow Wilson's immediate neutrality declaration kept America out of WWI for almost 2.5 years, though the Zimmerman Telegram and other events will eventually alter the U.S. involvement that this 'world must be made safe for democracy'. The AEF will provide the much needed strength to push Germany to request an armistice. Soon new battles began at Versailles in the form of treaty negotiations; what does world peace look like and how or who will take the lead to make sure it is maintained? 

This program will be conducted as a conversation utilizing primary source documents as the only readings and Professor Pullin leading participants in a conversation. Registrants are highly encouraged to read the documents and come with questions.


Teaching American History
"It gave me a better understanding of the Founders’ views. They saw that restricting religious liberty is not only wrong; it leads to animosity within society. This year, I will begin both my government class and my class on “Law and Modern Society” with George Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport." — Sean B.