
Join us at the table and explore America's story in the words of those who lived it.

Register for "Executive Power and the Modern Presidency"

September 30, 2024, 8:30 AM CT - 2:30 PM CT | Hosted by: Clinton Presidential Library | Little Rock, AR | Discussion Leader: Stephen Knott

One of the greatest challenges to understanding the presidency today has been to reconcile the extraordinary powers of the executive with democracy. 

We will examine the questions and controversies about executive power under the Constitution including the war power, treaty power, and the power to issue executive orders, and discuss whether those powers, exercised today are consistent with the Founder's original understanding of the President's role or if those powers constitute a necessary departure from the Constitution. 

This program will be conducted as a discussion, utilizing primary documents as the only readings with the Discussion Leader facilitating the conversation. All attendees will receive a Letter of Attendance. 


Teaching American History
"It gave me a better understanding of the Founders’ views. They saw that restricting religious liberty is not only wrong; it leads to animosity within society. This year, I will begin both my government class and my class on “Law and Modern Society” with George Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport." — Sean B.