August 26, 2023, 10:45 AM ET - 12 PM ET - ONLINE - Panel Members: Jason Stevens, Eric Sands and Joshua Dunn
The American peoples’ understanding of the First Amendment has evolved significantly throughout our history – particularly in terms of the religion and speech clauses. This webinar series will explore both the history and the current state of the popular and constitutional boundaries of these clauses. After participating in this series, educators will better understand the nuances of interpreting the religion and freedom clauses and hopefully feel more prepared in teaching these topics within the secondary classroom.
This webinar will dive into how the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the First Amendment affects state law. By examining incorporation and substantive due process, we hope to clarify the methods by which Supreme Court decisions impact local communities.
Our First Amendment webinars will meet monthly on select Saturday mornings from 10.45am – 12pm ET. Participants are highly encouraged to complete the readings in advance, as well as submit questions several days in advance. Those who remain digitally present for the duration of the webinar will receive an attendance letter from Teaching American History for 1.25 hours of professional development.
Feedback from our participants:
"The webinars are excellent and relevant to my teaching.”
“This is content-based professional development that respects the teaching profession and helps teachers grow in their practice.”
“The webinars provide new information that I did not have time to research and find out myself … and is relevant for my students."