
Join us at the table and explore America's story in the words of those who lived it.

Register for "The French and Indian War to Revolution, 1754-1776"

September 22, 2023, 8:30 AM CT - 2:30 PM CT | Hosted by: Oklahoma Council for the Social Studies at The Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center 507 South 4th Street Enid, Oklahoma 73701 | Discussion Leader: ROBERT MCDONALD

The Seven Year's War, (known in America as the French and Indian War) caused a change in the world order. in colonial America, this great victory for Britain had an unforeseen effect; unraveling the great empire that the 1763 Treaty of Paris codified. This will test the Colonists loyalty to Britain and eventually sets the stage for the American Colonies resistance to the Crown.

All attendees of this free professional development will receive lunch, a letter of attendance as well as paper and digital copies of the reader. 


Teaching American History
"It gave me a better understanding of the Founders’ views. They saw that restricting religious liberty is not only wrong; it leads to animosity within society. This year, I will begin both my government class and my class on “Law and Modern Society” with George Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport." — Sean B.