
Join us at the table and explore America's story in the words of those who lived it.

Register for "The Federalist Papers and The Constitution"

November 4, 2023, 8:30 AM ET - 2:15 PM ET | Hosted by: Kentucky Historical Society (Frankfort, KY) | Discussion Leader: Jason Stevens

Reflecting on the challenges facing the Convention of 1787, James Madison once suggested that a key purpose of the U.S. Constitution was to combine “the requisite stability and energy in government with the inviolable attention due to liberty and to the republican form.” Among the sources we might employ to understand this task, The Federalist Papers are some of the most instructive. In this one-day seminar, we will examine a few key Federalist Papers and discuss the manner in which they might help us understand the fundamental principles and institutions of the U.S. Constitution

This program will be conducted as a Socratic discussion, utilizing primary source documents as the only readings, and with the Discussion Leader facilitating the conversation, instead of lecturing or presenting. Registrants, therefore, are highly encouraged to read all the documents in advance and come ready with questions. Teachers will receive a Letter of Attendance at the conclusion of the seminar.


Teaching American History
"It gave me a better understanding of the Founders’ views. They saw that restricting religious liberty is not only wrong; it leads to animosity within society. This year, I will begin both my government class and my class on “Law and Modern Society” with George Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport." — Sean B.